ENG 582-003, Studies in Digital Humanities
Fall 2013, North Carolina State University
Tues, Thurs 4:30-5:45 pm, T112
Course Description
What are the digital humanities? And how might one start getting involved? This course invites students of all technical abilities to explore the ongoing digital transformation of resources, tools, and methods in the humanities. As an introduction, this course is a gateway into a variety of representative subfields in digital humanities. It is not designed to produce experts but to generate curiosity about how this emerging arena of scholarly activity might intersect with students’ own disciplines, research interests, and pedagogies. It aims to provide a working knowledge of 1) background in the history of new media and humanities computing, 2) debates and outlooks for the digital humanities today, as well as 3) hands-on experience collaborating on, creating, and critiquing digital humanities projects. As such, the course has some of the familiar features of a seminar as well as the open formats of a projects lab. Its goal is to offer every participant critical grounding and some practical strategies for building a project of their own, whether an interpretive machine, a theoretical intervention, a creative/professional hack, or a pedagogy. Such projects can accommodate students’ own research interests and program concentrations.
Paul Fyfe, Assistant Professor of English
Office T211, Tues/Thur 2-4pm or by appointment
Twitter @pfyfe